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Úvod > Škola > Naše třídy - archiv 2019 - 2020 > IX. třída > Angličtina 9 - Čáslavská - týden 30.3. - 5.4.

Angličtina 9 - Čáslavská - týden 30.3. - 5.4.

Hello students, thank you for sending me your hw…But some of you didn’t do it. These students are: Bednář David, Blažková Lucie, Novotný Vojtěch, Habermannová Mája. Please, send it immediately.


Your task for this week is to fill in this worksheet. Don’t send this worksheet to me, we will check it at school together???? (Kdo si nemůže vytisknou, přepište do sešitu.)

I hope you remember all irregular verbs from your list in your workbook.. In case you don’t know words from worksheet, learn them as well.



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